My Perspective on The Samoa Agreement Engr. Muttaqha Rabe Darma, PhD, DBA


Abba Saude House, Katsina 
The predominant topic under discussion in Nigeria presently pertains to the Samoa Agreement and its implications on developing nations such as Nigeria. Some individuals were already aware of this agreement beforehand. The contentious issue surrounding LGBQTI was intertwined with this agreement. The primary concern among the populace of Nigeria, particularly the Muslim community, revolves around how the agreement tackles the matter of LGBQT. What are the specific contents of the agreement? What precise details are imperative for us as citizens to comprehend? I wish to clarify that this agreement, as indicated, has been endorsed by numerous nations in Africa, The Pacific, the Caribbean, and various European countries. A significant portion of these nations adhere to the Muslim faith and nearly all of them have local statutes governing their populations. The information presented herein reflects my interpretation of the agreement after a comprehensive study of its content and antecedent agreements.
The Samoa Agreement, formally endorsed on November 15, 2023, establishes a revitalized alliance between the European Union (EU) and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS). This accord succeeds the Cotonou Agreement and concentrates on six principal priorities: human rights, democracy and governance; peace and security; human and social development; inclusive, sustainable economic growth and development; environmental sustainability and climate change; and migration and mobility.
The European Union (EU) and its Member States ratified the Samoa Agreement following an extensive negotiation process that commenced in 2018. This agreement encompasses a foundational framework and three regional protocols customized for Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, with a specific focus on regional and national priorities.
The Cotonou Agreement, which has opened EU-ACP relations since 2000, was extended to allow for further negotiations on a new agreement due to challenges like migration patterns, climate variations, and the emergence of middle-income countries. The EU’s aims for this fresh alliance revolve around fostering stability, resilience, and prosperity in partner nations to address migration concerns and attain the Sustainable Development Goals. The European Parliament played a pivotal role in overseeing the negotiations and providing suggestions, stressing the significance of human rights, poverty alleviation, and reinforcing the parliamentary aspect of the partnership. Additionally, the agreement tackles matters such as capital punishment, cultural heritage preservation, and collaboration with the International Criminal Court.
The stipulations within the agreement regarding financing and crucial areas like climate change were focal points of deliberation. The EU intends to offer financial backing through the NDICI/Global Europe mechanism, supplanting the European Development Fund, with an emphasis on blending grants and loans, micro-financing, and public-private collaborations. Stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, underscored the necessity of a partnership that tackles developmental obstacles, engages civil society, and aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Numerous civil society groups within OACPS showed diverse stances on the agreement, with some expressing apprehensions regarding potential revisions to local legislation, particularly concerning LGBTI rights. The advocacy for LGBQTI rights was spearheaded notably by civil society organizations. The European Parliament scrutinized and endorsed the agreement, accentuating the importance of adhering to individual state laws.
It must be understood that the United Kingdom, known for its strong advocacy of LGBQTI rights, terminated its involvement in the Cotonou Agreement in 2021, while South Africa opted to withdraw from the OACPS in 2022. The subsequent years saw countries such as Maldives joining the OACPS in 2022 and 2023. Consequently, a variety of viewpoints emerged from the beginning regarding the agreement, with certain nations advocating for distinct agreements with the European Union or alternative partnerships. Additionally, a significant factor to consider is the Geneva Consensus Declaration and its influence on the enforcement of human rights.
Terms of the Agreement
The following points encapsulate the key aspects of the six articles delineated in the agreement. 
1. Human Rights, Democracy, and Governance, there is a steadfast commitment to advancing the promotion, safeguarding, and realization of all human rights, encompassing civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, ensuring a comprehensive approach to human rights protection. 
2. The agreement focuses on fostering Peace and Security, with a specific focus on bolstering regional stability, proactively engaging in conflict prevention measures, and enhancing collaboration on matters related to security, thereby contributing to a conducive environment for sustainable development.
3. The third article pertains to Human and Social Development, placing significant emphasis on pivotal areas such as education, healthcare, sanitation, food security, and social cohesion, aiming to improve the overall quality of life and well-being of individuals within the community. 
4. The fourth article is dedicated to Economic Growth and Development, advocating for the implementation of sustainable economic policies, facilitation of trade activities, and promotion of investments, with the ultimate goal of fostering economic prosperity and inclusive growth across all sectors of society.
5. The fifth article addresses Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, highlighting the importance of taking proactive measures to combat climate change, safeguard biodiversity, and promote sustainable practices to mitigate adverse environmental impacts and preserve natural resources for future generations. 
6. The sixth article focuses on Migration and Mobility, outlining strategies for effectively managing migration flows, ensuring the protection of migrants’ rights, and creating legal pathways to facilitate safe and orderly migration processes, thereby contributing to the overall well-being and integration of migrants within society.
Thus, the six articles of the agreement encompasses a comprehensive framework that not only underscores the fundamental principles of human rights, democracy, and governance but also extends its purview to encompass critical areas such as peace and security, human and social development, economic growth, environmental sustainability, and migration management. By delineating these key articles, the agreement sets a solid foundation for fostering cooperation, solidarity, and sustainable development across diverse domains, ultimately striving towards a more inclusive and equitable global society.B
Benefits for Developing Countries like Nigeria
Economic growth denotes the increase in a country’s production of goods and services over time, leading to higher standards of living for its citizens. Access to European Union (EU) markets provides a significant opportunity for countries to expand their trade networks, boost exports, and attract foreign direct investment. 
Furthermore, the EU offers various investment opportunities that can stimulate economic growth through collaborations in infrastructure development, technology transfer, and innovation. In addition, financial aid from the EU can support the implementation of crucial development projects, such as improving transportation networks, enhancing healthcare systems, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.
Another benefit is in Human development l. This encompasses efforts to enhance the well-being and capabilities of individuals through various means, including improved education, healthcare, and social services. Investing in education can empower individuals with knowledge and skills necessary to participate effectively in the economy, while enhancing healthcare services can lead to better health outcomes and increased productivity. Moreover, social services play a vital role in ensuring a safety net for vulnerable populations, promoting social inclusion, and reducing inequalities within society. Therefore, prioritizing human development can contribute to building a more prosperous and equitable society.
Furthermore, Environmental protection is crucial for safeguarding the planet’s natural resources and ecosystems for present and future generations. By supporting sustainable practices, such as renewable energy development, waste management, and biodiversity conservation, countries can mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and promote environmental sustainability. Additionally, enhancing climate resilience through adaptation measures can help communities better cope with extreme weather events and other environmental challenges.
Another important benefit of the agreement is Peace and security. These are essential for fostering stability, cooperation, and prosperity within our countries and between them By promoting enhanced regional stability through diplomatic efforts, peace building initiatives, and conflict prevention measures, countries can reduce the risk of conflicts, such as banditry and insurgency, that can disrupt economic activities and threaten human security. Moreover, investing in peace and security can create an enabling environment for sustainable development, social progress, and political stability.
While Governance and human rights are fundamental pillars of a democratic society, ensuring that institutions are accountable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the population. Strengthening democratic institutions can help prevent corruption, promote the rule of law, and uphold the principles of good governance. Furthermore, protecting human rights is essential for safeguarding individuals’ dignity, freedoms, and equality before the law. Therefore, fostering a culture of respect for human rights and strengthening democratic governance can contribute to building a more just and inclusive society.
Human Rights Aspect
The contentious matter concerning LGBQTI, from a Western perspective, is viewed as a fundamental human rights concern that warrants careful consideration and international attention. Within the framework of the Samoa Agreement, the human rights aspect encompasses various obligations related to upholding globally recognized human rights norms, which encompass the effective implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action as well as the Beijing Platform aimed at advancing gender equality. This overarching framework is designed to advocate for the safeguarding of a wide array of rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights, yet it has faced significant opposition from numerous nations concerning issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. Despite the challenges encountered in this regard, the ongoing discourse and advocacy surrounding these issues underscore the importance of continued dialogue and efforts to promote understanding in different countries.
Implications for LGBQI and Signatory Countries
My understanding suggests that no Signatory Countries are under an obligation to embrace the rights of LGBQTI individuals or modify their legislation to accommodate such rights. Consequently, Nigeria is not necessarily required to amend its laws in order to become a Signatory to the agreement. It is important to recognize the following key points.
1. Pertaining to LGBQTI Rights, the commitments to human rights within the agreement encompass principles of non-discrimination, yet explicit references to LGBQ rights were omitted. Opposition from certain ACP states, including Nigeria, resulted in the exclusion of direct mentions of LGBQTI in the final agreement.
2. Nevertheless, Nations that sign the agreement are obligated to adhere to its standards concerning human rights, governance, and development. This requirement could pose challenges for countries that hold divergent legal and cultural perspectives, especially concerning issues like LGBQTI rights and the implementation of the death penalty in the future.
3. Given the prevailing resistance towards the LGBQTI matter in many partner ACP states, the likelihood of its inclusion in the agreement in the near future is very low.
The Samoa Agreement marks a significant milestone in enhancing cooperation and development between the EU and OACPS. Despite the varying viewpoints of its member states regarding human rights and governance, the agreement is largely beneficial for African nations, with Nigeria poised to gain advantages from it.